Baltic Sea Hypoxia

Large zones without oxygen called dead zones emerged in the Baltic sea during last century. Dead zones are major threat for life in the Baltic sea. Eutrophication and stratification of water column are their main causes. Proposed structures eliminate stratification and bring oxygen to deep waters using stable water currents. Structures are formed by process…

baltic sea hypoxia model

Large areas without oxygen called Dead zones emerged in the Baltic Sea during last century. They are a major threat for life in the Baltic Sea. Main cause of their existence is eutrophication and stratification of water column. While eutrophication and outbreak of cyanobacteria deplete oxygen in deep waters, stratification prevents restoring original oxygen level.

The project aims to reduce stratification of water column which would lead to oxygenation of deep waters and to elimination of the Dead zones. Proposed structures take advantage of deep water currents and redirect masses of water thus mixing the stratified layers. Once these objects are formed by the process of cyanobacteria sedimentation they are fully operational without any further action. No mechanical parts are needed, only pure formation of mass.

These structures would disturb status quo and create new conditions in complex water cycles with some unexpected side-effects. Problem of the Dead zones is a very complex issue that is difficult or nearly impossible to solve because of missing data, constantly changing conditions or in this case deep connection with global environment. For those reasons this project is highly speculative. The provoking character of the project should ignite broader debate about problems of the Baltic Sea.